Faculty and students within the UAB School of Education and Human Sciences (SEHS) conduct research to understand and seek solutions to current and emerging educational, health, and mental health challenges. This research contributes to the knowledge base and advances our understanding of effective practices. Our researchers engage in interdisciplinary collaborations with colleagues within UAB, nationally, and internationally.
Learn about the Office of Research and Grants
Research and Scholarship Areas
The SEHS represents a wide range of disciplines ranging from early education through higher education, community health, human services, counseling, exercise science and kinesiology, school psychology/psychometry, special education, and instructional design and development.
Our faculty engage in research regarding the preparation of professionals in many of these disciplines, as well as conducting cutting edge research to advance understanding and address challenges in these areas. Currently, faculty engage in research across 13 primary areas of inquiry. Learn more about faculty research areas.
We also encourage research opportunities for both undergraduate and graduate students.

Responsive Workforce Development
Improving the training and performance of professionals working in education (Pre-K through higher education) and health-related fields (counseling, exercise science, community health, human services). Researching best practices in various disciplines and effective teaching strategies for preparing the workforce.
- Pre-K
- EL/DL learners
- Reading
- Special Education (transdisciplinary, multi-tiered systems, early intervention, EBD, Autism)
- Urban and minority education
- Students who have experienced adverse childhood experiences
- School and higher ed leaders
- Family-school engagement

Promoting Equity and Social Justice
Documenting the nature and sources of disparities in access to, and the quality of, education and healthcare. Implementing solutions to such disparities.
- Lessons from social/historical foundations of education
- Identifying and addressing social determinants of health and health disparities

Improving Health and Performance through Exercise
Researching the promotion of health, physical fitness, and functional or occupational performance through exercise and biomechanics.
- Integrating novel modes of exercise with diet to facilitate health outcomes with different disease and injury groups
- Benefits and mechanisms of adaptive PE with autism
- Strength and conditioning
- Sports nutrition and hydration
- Ergonomics and fitness

Global Perspective on Education, Health, Mental Health, and Wellness
Working with international collaborators to provide a global perspective regarding pre-K-12 education, personnel preparation, health education and promotion, kinesiology, social justice, and administration in schools and higher education.
- International perspectives on K-12 education and teacher training
- Global movements in higher education
- Social determinants of health
- College mental health
- Trauma-informed practices
- Counseling sexual minority youth
- Family systems theory
Office of Research and Grants Staff
Professor Assistant Dean for Research Gordon Fisher PhD, FACSM(205) 996-4114EEC 321C
Program Director II Lawrence Moose(205) 975-5388EEC 321D
Associate Dean of Research Scott Snyder PhD(205) 934-8475EEC 321B