Arts Education (Music and Visual Arts)

Share Your Love of the Arts with the Next Generation and Advance Your Career
Combine a passion for the arts with a desire to teach. Whether your passion is making music (choral or instrumental) or doing art (drawing, painting, ceramics, etc.), the place to be is UAB. Here you will pursue your master’s degree by taking classes with nationally and internationally renowned performers, artists, and scholars. After graduating, you will complete the steps to become certified by the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE) to teach in grades from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade (P–12).
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Available Degrees
Become a music teacher by pursuing the alternative master’s program and receiving teacher certification from the ALSDE.
This degree is for those who wish to become teachers and did not receive an undergraduate degree in education. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college with a GPA of at least 2.5.
Music Education: Choral and Instrumental (42–45 credit hours)
This track is for applicants with a bachelor’s degree in music. To apply, you must have a passing score on the Music Praxis #5113 and on a juried audition in the Music Department. If needed, you will do a music theory assessment and take undergraduate prerequisites. Upon completing this program, you will apply to the ALSDE for Class Alt A Certification in Music-choral or Music-instrumental.
Become a visual arts teacher by pursuing the alternative master’s program and receiving teacher certification from the ALSDE.
This degree is for those who wish to become teachers and did not receive an undergraduate degree in education. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college with a GPA of at least 2.5.
Visual Arts Education (35–38 credit hours)
This track is for applicants with a bachelor’s degree in studio art, art history, or an art-related field. To apply, you must have a passing score on the Visual Arts Praxis #5134. Depending on your bachelor’s degree, you might need to share your art portfolio as part of the admissions process. You will take online art courses in summer and online education courses in fall and spring. Upon completing this program, you will apply to the ALSDE for Class Alt A Certification in Visual Arts.
Enhance your career as a music teacher and increase your earning potential in Alabama by pursuing a traditional master’s degree in music education. Take online courses for 18 to 24 months. This program is designed to lead to an ALSDE Class A Certification.
Music Education: Choral or Instrumental (30–33 credit hours)
To apply, you must hold valid Class B music certification from the ALSDE and pass a juried audition in the Music Department. Upon completing this program, you will apply to the ALSDE for Class A Certification in Music-choral or Music-instrumental.
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Earn a Higher Salary in Alabama with Class A Teacher Certification
Why Choose UAB for Pursuing Your Master’s?
Online Courses
The alternative master’s in music offers online education courses and on-ground music courses to meet the needs of future music teachers.
Clinical Experiences
Our pedagogy courses are aligned with field-based applications for putting theory into practice, and our pre-service teachers learn to apply pedagogical practices during practicums and internships at elementary and secondary schools. In-service teachers expand their pedagogical repertoire by applying innovative practices in their own classrooms.
Our degree programs in music education and visual arts education are accredited by the ALSDE and the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). The Department of Music is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Music. The Department of Art and Art History is accredited by the Association of Schools of Art and Design.
Graduate Recruiter Mary Frances Lembke
Program CoordinatorUABTeach Director & Instructor Paulette Evans PhD
Program CoordinatorDepartment of Music – Associate Professor and Director of Music Education Program Coordinator – Music Education Cara Morantz EdD