Secondary Education

Advance Your Teaching Career with a Graduate Degree in Secondary Education
Become a teacher leader in your district with a graduate-level degree in secondary education. Whether you are a science, English language arts, mathematics, or social sciences educator, earning a master’s degree or higher in secondary education can help you hone your skills and build on your teaching foundation to help you become a leader for your peers and a better educator for your students.
Our graduate secondary education programs require students to sharpen skills in their subject area while also perfecting the art of teaching.
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Available Degrees
The School of Education and Human Sciences offers two master’s degree options.
The traditional Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) in Secondary Education program is designed for individuals who hold current Class B teacher certification, and wish to advance their career by earning a master's degree and Class A certification for grades 6-12.
Concentrations are offered in Biology, Chemistry, General Science, Physics, Mathematics, English Language Arts, General Social Science, and History.
30-33 credit hours.
Access our program folder to view or download an informational packet that includes admissions requirements and a step-by-step guide through the applications process.
The Alternative Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) in Secondary Education program is designed for individuals who have a bachelor's degree in a field other than education and want to become a teacher. Upon successful completion of the alternative MAEd in Secondary Education students may apply for Class A certification for grades 6-12.
Concentrations are offered in Biology, Chemistry, General Social Science, Mathematics, and Physics.
37-40 credit hours.
Access our program folder to view or download an informational packet that includes admissions requirements and a step-by-step guide through the applications process.
The Alternative Master of Arts in Education (MAEd) in Secondary Education program is designed for individuals who have a bachelor’s degree in a field other than education and want to become a teacher. Upon successful completion of the alternative MAEd in Secondary Education students may apply for Class A certification for grades 6-12.
Concentrations are offered in English Language Arts, Biology, Chemistry, General Science, General Social Science, Mathematics, and Physics.
Access our program folder to view or download an informational packet that includes admissions requirements and a step-by-step guide through the applications process.
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Earn a Higher Salary in Alabama with Class A or Class AA Teacher Certification
Advancing your teaching career with a graduate-level degree will increase your salary in Alabama.
Learn to meet the evolving needs of middle school and high school students in this program with a curriculum that is based on today’s rapidly changing society. The program’s courses allow students to integrate what they are experiencing in the classroom into the texts they read in class while collaborating with their peers. Students will take a wide range of courses, from urban education and critical social issues in American education to positive behavioral supports.
Why choose a Graduate Degree in Secondary Education?
The Counsel for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation and the Alabama State Department of Education accredits the UAB Secondary Education program. Learn more about accreditation.
Research Opportunities
The secondary education programs allow students to complete research projects or presentations alongside award-winning School of Education and Human Sciences faculty.
Simple Admissions Process
Graduate Recruiter Mary Frances Lembke
Program CoordinatorAssociate Professor Jeremiah Clabough PhD
Visiting Instructor John Cross MS
Program DirectorUABTeach Director & Instructor Paulette Evans PhD
Program CoordinatorClinical Instructor Timothy McKenzie PhD
Program CoordinatorAssistant Professor Teaira McMurtry PhD
Instructor Amy Morgan PhD