Explore UAB

Caitlyn Pemberton

Student Ambassador

Hometown: Calera, Alabama

Major: Kinesiology with a Concentration in Exercise Science

Graduation Year: 2025

Why did you choose UAB?

I love the opportunities for growth UAB offers and the welcoming environment it has.


Why did you choose your major?

I have always had a passion for helping others reach their optimal health through exercise and nutrition and it aligns with my future career path of physical therapy.


What is your favorite thing about the UAB School of Education?

I love the diversity of career paths it offers! Whether you are pursuing exercise science or counseling there is a great opportunity for growth through UAB School of Education.


What class have you enjoyed the most so far at UAB?
Sports Nutrition & Exercise Physiology with Dr. Bello


What is your favorite place to study on or off campus
On campus: The Hill; Off campus: Library in the Forrest in Vestavia


What piece of advice would you give a prospective UAB School of Education student?
Participate in things outside of just your school work! Get involved in organizations, shadow different career paths, volunteer in your community, & have fun doing it! It will truly change your perspective on your school work & help you to remember why you want to go into your career path!


What are your plans after you graduate from UAB?
My plan is to attend a Doctorate of Physical Therapy Program!


To learn more about our Student Ambassador program, click here.