Faculty Excellence

Mathematics’ Vaughan Leads Honorees for Service Awards Recognition
Loy O. Vaughan, Ph.D., has educated thousands of students across all disciplines in mathematics during his 45 years at UAB. He will join more than 250 employees at UAB to be honored during the annual Service Awards Program noon Friday, Feb. 20.
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Faculty News from the Department of Sociology
Bill Cockerham's book Social Causes of Health and Disease, 2nd ed. (Polity, 2013) was listed as one of the key books in medical sociology in the 21st Century in a review essay by Graham (Contemporary Sociology, March 2014).
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Dr. Catherine Danielou Recognized by Professional Language Organizations
Dr. Catherine Danielou, Senior Associate Dean in the College of Arts and Sciences, has been named President-Elect of the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF).
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Dr. Steve Austad Awarded the Longevity Prize by Fondation IPSEN
Dr. Steve Austad, Chair of the Department of Biology, has been awarded the Longevity Prize by Fondation IPSEN, in France.
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Justice Sciences’ Faculty Members Awarded Teaching Innovation Grant
Drs. Elizabeth Gardner and Jason Linville, and adjunct faculty member Dan Mateo (Alabama Department of Forensic Sciences) have been awarded a 2015 “teaching innovation grant” by the UAB Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the Vice Provost for Student and Faculty Success.
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9 Grants Awarded to Promote Teaching Innovation
Professors from nine disciplines were awarded the second annual Teaching Innovation and Development Awards to support new approaches to instruction and learning.
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The DFLL Welcomes Yumi Takamiya, Assistant Professor in Japanese
Her research interests include pragmatics, language pedagogy, second language acquisition, and teacher development.
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UAB Physicist Named Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors
Laser physicist Sergey Mirov, Ph.D., left Russia 22 years ago, after training in Moscow under the 1964 Nobel laureate Aleksandr Mikhailovich Prokhorov and working at the USSR Academy of Sciences.
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Magda Szaflarski Named Engaged Scholar
Sociology Professor Magda Szaflarski has been selected as one of three new fellows in the Studying Congregations Engaged Scholars Fellowship program sponsored by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research with funding from the Lilly Endowment, Inc.
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Catledge Proposal Selected for 2015 Alabama Launchpad Start-up Competition
One of the teams selected to compete in the 2015 Alabama Launchpad Startup Competition includes UAB researchers (Dr. Aaron Catledge and Jamin Johnston) in the Department of Physics who have teamed up with Pete Winslett, owner of local company ‘Bama Mine & Milling’.
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DOD Grant to Fund UAB Rehabilitation Therapy for Wounded Warriors
The University of Alabama at Birmingham is launching a research project that will provide therapy to wounded veterans and active-duty personnel at no cost through a $2.7 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense.

Justice Sciences’ Faculty Member Named Among Most Cited Criminologists
In a study published in the most recent issue of Sociometrics, Dr. J. Heith Copes of the Department of Justice Sciences was identified as one of the “Top 100” most prolific and most cited criminologists in the world over the period 2009-2013.
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Winners of Interdisciplinary Awards Announced
Dr. Ryoichi Kawai (Department of Physics) and Dr. Elizabeth Sztul (School of Medicine) are the latest winners of the UAB College of Arts and Sciences Interdisciplinary Awards.
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Secrets In Stone
Dr. Cathleen Cummings, Associate Professor of Art History, is featured in UAB Magazine this month for her work decoding religious carvings on the eight-century Virupaksha Temple in Pattadakal, India.
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The DFLL Welcomes New Assistant Professor in Spanish
His research focuses on contemporary historical novels on slavery from Latin America. He specializes in narrative of the Hispanic Caribbean and Brazil.
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Dr. Aaron L. Lucius Wins Mentor Award
Aaron L. Lucius, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, was formally presented with the Dean's Excellence in Mentorship Award.
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Communication Professor’s Scholarship Lauded by National Organization
Mark Hickson, Ph.D., professor in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Department of Communication Studies, is the 2014 recipient of the National Communication Association Gerald M. Phillips Award for Distinguished Applied Communication Scholarship.
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Sloan Receives NSF Grant for Ethics Conference
Justice Sciences' Chair Dr. John Sloan has received a $24K grant from the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Social and Economic Sciences (SES) Directorate to support a conference on ethics and digital forensics next May at NSF headquarters in Bethesda, MD.
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UAB Art History Professor Pens Book on Indian Temple's Iconography
The first book by University of Alabama at Birmingham Associate Professor of Art History Cathleen Cummings, M.A., Ph.D., “Decoding a Hindu Temple: Royalty and Religion in the Iconographic Program of the Virupaksha Temple, Pattadakal,” has been published.
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New Directors Announced for UAB Cyber Center
John Sloan, Ph.D., has been named the new director of the University of Alabama at Birmingham’s UAB Center for Cyber Security. Puri Bangalore, Ph.D., will assume Sloan’s former position of assistant director of the UAB Center for Cyber Security.
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