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UAB Cares Suicide Prevention & Intervention Initiative

Are you concerned about someone you know? You can help. Become more aware and equip yourself with information on how to adequately recognize the mental health concerns of others, how to appropriately intervene, and which UAB and community resources are available to connect someone to the support they need.



Ready to reach out to help?

Practice your conversation on Kognito, a free online resource to help you help someone.

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How to Identify the Risk Factors for Suicide

  • Depression
  • Previous suicide attempt
  • Excessive alcohol or other drug use
  • Rational thinking is lost
  • Ending of a significant relationship
  • An organized suicide plan
  • Isolating himself/herself from friends and family
  • Neglecting appearance and hygiene
  • Expressing the belief that life is meaningless
  • Talking about suicide or death
  • Obtaining a weapon or other means of hurting oneself

How to Help Someone

**If a someone is in immediate danger or has attempted suicide, please contact 911, the UAB Police Department (934-3535), or have the student go to the nearest Emergency Department.

  • Listen intently and let the person express their feelings and emotions.
  • Let them know you are glad that are talking to you.
  • Practice reflective listening - reflect back to them what you think they are saying in a non-judgmental manner.
  • Validate their feelings and help them to calm and slow down.
  • Help them gain understanding of the situation and regain a sense of control.
  • Directly ask them if they have considered suicide (do not just wonder, ask).
  • In an immediate emergency situation contact the UAB Police Department at 205-934-3535.
  • Be willing to go with them to get help. Contact Student Counseling Services for assistance with students (205-934-5816) or the Employee Assistance and Counseling Center for assistance with employees (205-934-2281).


I am a student and want to help another student.

Reaching out to a friend who might need help can feel scary. But it’s okay to provide the support they are silently seeking. Let them know that you will be there every step of the way.

I am an employee and want to help another employee.

Often the people closest to us may be the ones struggling the most. Don’t let working with a colleague be the reason you turn away from reaching out.

I am an employee and want to help a student.

Part of leadership is learning the warning signs of those surrounding you. If you know of a student who needs help reach out, listen with empathy and provide support to the best of your ability.