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Faculty Excellence CAS News January 29, 2018

Pamela Sterne King, assistant professor and director of the UAB History Department's undergraduate program, has been named president of the Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation.

The Alabama Trust for Historic Preservation focuses on Alabama's historic places. "The rich and diverse history of the great state of Alabama continues to be reflected through thousands of historic buildings and places in literally every corner of the state. These places have the unique ability to remind present and future generations in a tangible and meaningful way about the events that shaped our collective experience. They inspire us with the stories of those who built their communities, fought for their beliefs, and overcame all manner of personal challenge."

Before coming to UAB King worked full-time as the first historic preservationist for the City of Birmingham, and and she has served in many capacities as a professional historic preservationist for 30 years. As a full-time faculty and Director of Undergraduate Programs for the History Department, she has remained active in the fields of historic preservation and public history. She created and teaches a historic preservation class at UAB.

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