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Faculty Excellence CAS News January 19, 2018

Drawing for Plate CLVIII of Agostino RamelliAssistant Professor of Art History Noa Turel will present a paper, “Drawing Machines and Redrawing a World Order in Late-Medieval Europe,” in the session Beyond Model and Autonomy: Reconfiguring Drawing, aa. 1350-1500 at the 106th annual College Art Association national conference in Los Angeles, February 21-24.

CAA is the largest international association for visual-arts professionals. The 2018 conference will feature more than 300 sessions and over 200 meeting and events the conference, bringing together 1,400 CAA members to present and discuss new arts scholarship alongside more than 4,000 attendees. While at CAA Dr. Turel will also be participate in a variety of events connected to her new appointment to the CAA International Committee, including GLOBAL CONVERSATIONS 2018, a pre-conference colloquium featuring scholars in this year’s CAA-Getty International Program at the Getty Research Institute to focus on the migration of art, people, and ideas around the world.

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