Displaying items by tag: women

You may be eligible to participate in a research study looking at the effects of sacubitril/valsartan on how your body handles sugar. This medication is related to blood pressure and is safe to take with or without hypertension. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American, and have no history of diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems. The study involves performing some exercise, taking sacubitril/valsartan, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated $675 for completing all the visits. To participate, please contact Tiffany at 205-934-0534 or email us at nauticalstudy@uabmc.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials

We are looking for people with knee osteoarthritis to participate in a study to examine whether a diet intervention can reduce pain and improve quality of life. The commitment to this study will last approximately 7 weeks and include the following:

  • Five (5) visits to UAB where you will fill out questionnaires, complete a DEXA scan, blood draw or Quantitative Sensory testing. These visits will last anywhere from 1-3 hrs.
  • Six (6) weeks on a randomized diet where we will provide three (3) meals and two to three (2-3) snacks per day.

Participants must:

  • Be currently suffering from pain related to knee osteoarthritis
  • Be free from other serious health conditions (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, eating disorders, metabolic disease)

Participants will receive up to $250 for completing the study and meals will be provided. Please contact DIRECT at DIRECTPAIN1@gmail.com (205) 834-3628. Leave a short message with your name and number.

Published in Clinical Trials
UAB is looking for participants for a study investigating the effects of a new study medication on symptoms of fibromyalgia. We are looking for women aged 25-65 who are diagnosed with fibromyalgia OR are experiencing chronic widespread bodily pain. Participants will come to UAB for 7 study visits over a 3-month period. Participants will be compensated for completing all study visits.

Please call 205-996-1198 if interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
If you’re being treated for MDD and your current antidepressant medication(s) is not working, the SAVITRI Study might interest you. The SAVITRI Study is researching a potential MDD therapy to improve symptoms of depression, and you may be able to participate. This research study is now enrolling adults diagnosed with MDD. Those who qualify will receive the investigational medication (or placebo), study-specific medical exams, and study-specific laboratory tests at no cost. Participants in the SAVITRI Study must: be 18 to 65 years of age; have a clinical diagnosis of MDD; be currently on antidepressant medication(s); have had inadequate response to up to 5 oral antidepressant medications; and fulfill other eligibility criteria. For more information, please call (205) 996-5987 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu. Please mention SAVITRI in your message.
Published in Clinical Trials
UAB researchers are looking for adults (ages 25-65) who are suffering from demoralization - feelings of hopelessness or meaninglessness - to participate in a research study evaluating a novel medication.

To see if you qualify call 205-379-7527.
Published in Clinical Trials

Help us find out by joining our study at UAB by participating in the PRECISION-BP research study investigating the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan or Valsartan on your body’s 24-hour rhythm of a hormone in your blood called natriuretic peptides. This hormone and the study medications are related to the heart. Eligible participants must be obese (BMI: 30-45 kg/m2) men and women, have high blood pressure, and have no history of heart or kidney problems. The study involves wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours, 24-hour inpatient visits at UAB Hospital, taking medications, and collecting blood and urine samples. Meals will be provided at no cost. Participants will be compensated $575 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail Haley at PRECISION-BPSTUDY@uabmc.edu or call us at 205-975-5825 if you are interested.

Published in Clinical Trials
Are you tired of constantly fearing urinary leakage? Say goodbye to embarrassing accidents and take control of your life! We believe in living life to the fullest without worrying about Urgency Urinary Leakage. Compensation is provided.

Call us today at (205) 934-5498 to join our urogynecology clinical trial and find the perfect treatment plan tailored to you.
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to participate if you identify as female, White or African American, are aged 35-65, and have a BMI of 30+. Participants will receive $50 as thanks for their participation.

This study is a 5-hour workshop delivered in groups that is based on principles of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Participants will learn new skills to facilitate the adoption of healthy lifestyle behaviors, such as eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. These skills include identifying values, tolerating the discomfort associated with lifestyle change, identifying self-sabotaging thoughts, and more!

For more information, please contact Andrea at andrealdavis@uabmc.edu or 205-206-9434.
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to participate in a research study looking at the effects of sacubitril/valsartan on how your body handles sugar. This medication is related to blood pressure and is safe to take with or without hypertension. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American, and have no history of diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems. The study involves performing some exercise, taking sacubitril/valsartan, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated $675 for completing all the visits. To participate, please contact Tiffany at 205-934-0534 or email us at nauticalstudy@uabmc.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials
Help us find out by joining our study at UAB You may be eligible to participate in the PRECISION-BP research study investigating the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan or Valsartan on your body’s 24-hour rhythm of a hormone in your blood called natriuretic peptides. This hormone and the study medications are related to the heart. Eligible participants must be obese (BMI: 30-45 kg/m2) men and women, have high blood pressure, and have no history of heart or kidney problems. The study involves wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours, 24-hour inpatient visits at UAB hospital, taking medications, and collecting blood and urine samples. Meals will be provided at no cost. Participants will be compensated $575 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail Nehal at PRECISION-BPSTUDY@uabmc.edu or call us at 205-934-7173 if you are interested
Published in Clinical Trials
We are actively recruiting for research studies focused on women with one of the following conditions:

1. Accidental bowel leakage (fecal incontinence)
2. Urinary leakage (urinary incontinence)

Please call 205-934-5498 to learn more about these studies.
Published in Clinical Trials
If you are currently pregnant, 18 or older, planning to deliver at UAB, and planning to breast feed, you may be eligible for our study!

This study focuses on better understanding breast milk composition, the presence or absence of CMV in breast milk, and its possible transmission to babies. CMV is a common virus that most people in the US are infected with by adulthood. Participants will meet with study staff once a month for six months to collect non-invasive samples and answer a questionnaire. Samples collected include oral swabs from you and your baby, a small quantity of breast milk and a skin swab from you, as well as a urine and stool sample from your baby. Participants will be compensated up to $300 for completing the study visits and providing samples. Eligible participants may also qualify for additional sub-studies for additional compensation up to $800.

For more information, please contact us via phone or email at:
Phone: 205-975-3752
Email: milk@uabmc.edu
Published in Clinical Trials
If you’re being treated for MDD and your current antidepressant medication(s) is not working, the SAVITRI Study might interest you. The SAVITRI Study is researching a potential MDD therapy to improve symptoms of depression, and you may be able to participate. This research study is now enrolling adults diagnosed with MDD. Those who qualify will receive the investigational medication (or placebo), study-specific medical exams, and study-specific laboratory tests at no cost. Participants in the SAVITRI Study must: be 18 to 65 years of age; have a clinical diagnosis of MDD; be currently on antidepressant medication(s); have had inadequate response to up to 5 oral antidepressant medications; and fulfill other eligibility criteria. For more information, please call (205) 996-5987 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu. Please mention SAVITRI in your message.
Published in Clinical Trials
Do you have a loved one with agitation associated with Alzheimer’s dementia? Is their agitation becoming overwhelming? Examples of some easily identifiable agitated behaviors are: restlessness, screaming, shouting, throwing things, resistiveness, constant unwarranted requests for attention or help, pacing/aimless wandering, kicking, hitting others or self, pushing people, hurting self or others, tearing things or destroying property. In this study, researchers want to find out if an investigational drug called AVP-786 is safe and effective (useful) in managing agitation in adults with Alzheimer’s dementia, when compared to a placebo. If you are a caregiver for a person with Alzheimer’s disease, please call (205) 996-5987 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu for more information.
Published in Clinical Trials
You may be eligible to participate in a research study looking at the effects of sacubitril/valsartan on how your body handles sugar. This medication is related to blood pressure and is safe to take with or without hypertension. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American, and have no history of diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems. The study involves performing some exercise, taking sacubitril/valsartan, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated $675 for completing all the visits. To participate, please contact Haley at 205-975-5825 or email us at nauticalstudy@uabmc.edu.
Published in Clinical Trials
The Functional Outcomes from Diet in Multiple Sclerosis (FOOD for MS) study will test whether eating healthy foods and losing weight can improve physical function, pain, fatigue, mood, and sleep in adults with relapsing-remitting or secondary progressing MS. We will also explore the how diet impacts inflammation, immunity, and metabolic biomarkers that may contribute to MS symptoms and progression. Eligible participants must be 18-65 years old, diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis or Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, and be able to travel to one of our two study sites, Birmingham, Alabama or St. Louis, Missouri three times points over 8 months. Participants will be compensated $150 for completing all study visits and have their groceries provided for the length of the 8 month study. Please contact Kathryn Green at kathryngreen@uabmc.edu or by phone 205-319-1424 or Meghan Taylor at meghan13@uab.edu for more information and to see if you qualify.
Published in Clinical Trials
Do you have a history of kidney stones?
If you are 18 or older with a history of calcium oxalate kidney stones, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. The goal of this study is to better understand how vitamin C is related to oxalate metabolism, an element of calcium oxalate kidney stone disease and how body weight impacts this. The study requires eating a study diet for 6 days, collecting 24-hr urines and blood samples with a one-day long visit at the UAB Clinical research unit. Study meals are provided free of charge and additional compensation up to $490 is offered.
For more information email kidneystone@uabmc.edu
Published in Clinical Trials
Healthy adults needed for a study on vitamin C
If you are 18 or older and in good health, you may be eligible to participate in a research study. The goal of this study is to better understand how vitamin C is related to oxalate metabolism, an element of calcium oxalate kidney stone disease and how body weight impacts this. The study requires eating a study diet for 6 days, collecting 24-hr urines and blood samples with a one-day long visit at the UAB Clinical research unit. Study meals are provided free of charge and additional compensation up to $490 is offered.
For more information email kidneystone@uabmc.edu
Published in Clinical Trials
Eligible participants must be healthy adults (BMI less than 45 kg/m2) and have no history of diabetes, heart problems, or kidney problems. The study involves consuming prepared meals, performing exercise on a treadmill, undergoing a glucose test, and collecting blood, urine samples, and collection of genetic information. Participants will be compensated $300 for completing all the visits and meals will be provided at no cost. Please e-mail us at, genesis@uabmc.edu or call us at (205) 975-3956 if you are interested.
Published in Clinical Trials
Help us find out by joining our study at UAB You may be eligible to participate in the PRECISION-BP research study investigating the effects of Sacubitril/Valsartan or Valsartan on your body’s 24-hour rhythm of a hormone in your blood called natriuretic peptides. This hormone and the study medications are related to the heart. Eligible participants must be obese (BMI: 30-45 kg/m2) men and women, have high blood pressure, and have no history of heart or kidney problems. The study involves wearing a blood pressure monitor for 24 hours, 24-hour inpatient visits at UAB hospital, taking medications, and collecting blood and urine samples. Meals will be provided at no cost. Participants will be compensated $575 for completing the study visits. Please e-mail Nehal at PRECISION-BPSTUDY@uabmc.edu or call us at 205-934-7173 if you are interested
Published in Clinical Trials
We are looking for people who identify as trans or cisgender, are 18-65 years of age and would like to take part in a research study examining the impact of gender identity, hormone levels and sex assigned at birth to pain sensitivity and immune cell activity. The commitment to this study will last approximately 3 hours where you will fill out questionnaires, have a single blood draw and take part in pain sensitivity testing. Participants must: Be free from certain health conditions (HIX+, cardiovascular disease, uncontrolled hypertension). Participants can be on HRT (hormone replacement therapy) or not. Participants will receive up to $100. To find out more about this study, call 205-834-3625 or email shinestudyuab@gmail.com.
Published in Clinical Trials
If you’re being treated for MDD and your current antidepressant medication(s) is not working, the SAVITRI Study might interest you. The SAVITRI Study is researching a potential MDD therapy to improve symptoms of depression, and you may be able to participate. This research study is now enrolling adults diagnosed with MDD. Those who qualify will receive the investigational medication (or placebo), study-specific medical exams, and study-specific laboratory tests at no cost. Participants in the SAVITRI Study must: be 18 to 65 years of age; have a clinical diagnosis of MDD; be currently on antidepressant medication(s); have had inadequate response to up to 5 oral antidepressant medications; and fulfill other eligibility criteria. For more information, please call (205) 996-5987 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu. Please mention SAVITRI in your message.
Published in Clinical Trials
Do you have a loved one with agitation associated with Alzheimer’s dementia? Is their agitation becoming overwhelming? Examples of some easily identifiable agitated behaviors are: restlessness, screaming, shouting, throwing things, resistiveness, constant unwarranted requests for attention or help, pacing/aimless wandering, kicking, hitting others or self, pushing people, hurting self or others, tearing things or destroying property. In this study, researchers want to find out if an investigational drug called AVP-786 is safe and effective (useful) in managing agitation in adults with Alzheimer’s dementia, when compared to a placebo. If you are a caregiver for a person with Alzheimer’s disease, please call (205) 996-5987 or email lalexander@uabmc.edu for more information.
Published in Clinical Trials
The RECOVER study was designed in partnership with many of the nation’s top experts in treatment-resistant depression, and approved by Medicare, to provide additional evidence of the benefit of VNS Therapy. If the results confirm previous studies, Medicare and other insurers may start to cover it.

People who participate in RECOVER will receive VNS Therapy and all study-related care at no cost to them.

To join the RECOVER study, you must be 18 years or
older and:

1. Currently depressed
2. Have depression, or bipolar depression, that has lasted for at least two years or recurred several times
3. Have tried at least four types of antidepressant treatments and not found them helpful
4. Have Medicare Insurance
Published in Clinical Trials

You may be eligible to participate in a research study looking at the effects of sacubitril/valsartan on how your body handles insulin and glucose. This medication is related to blood pressure and is safe to take with or without hypertension. Eligible participants must be healthy men and women, African American, and have no history of diabetes, heart disease or kidney problems. The study involves performing some exercise, taking sacubitril/valsartan, and collecting blood samples. Participants will be compensated $675 for completing all the visits. To participate, please contact Haley at 205-975-5825 or email us at nauticalstudy@uabmc.edu.

Published in Clinical Trials
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